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Personal Data

At no time will email addresses or other information transmitted to Bienvenue en Bretagne be passed on to third parties. These informations are exclusively intended for Bienvenue en Bretagne for the processing of your requests.

If you send us a request via our contact form, the only mandatory personal data we ask for is your email address so we can contact you if necessary.

Audience Measurement and Cookies

We use various cookies on the site to improve the site's interactivity and our services.

What is a "cookie"?

A "cookie" is a set of information, usually small in size and identified by a name, that can be transmitted to your browser by a website you connect to. Your web browser will keep it for a certain duration, and send it back to the web server each time you reconnect to it. Cookies have multiple uses: they can be used to remember your customer ID with a merchant site, the current content of your shopping cart, an identifier allowing to track your navigation for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.

Learn more about cookies, how they work, and how to oppose them

The website www.bienvenueenbretagne.bzh uses cookies. These are small files downloaded to your computer that allow the site to operate smoothly and securely (session and security cookies) and record information about how our visitors consult our site (tracking cookies). This allows us, for example, to know which pages are most visited by our visitors and how long they spend on our site.

By setting your browser, you have the possibility to disable cookies or to be alerted when cookies are about to be downloaded to your computer. However, disabling all cookies could in some cases prevent you from properly using all the features of this site.

You have the option to disable cookies by going to your browser's options. Click on the link corresponding to your browser to find out how:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox



Internet Explorer

For more information about cookies and how to manage them, we recommend visiting www.youronlinechoices.com, developed by the EDAA (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance).

Google Analytics Cookies

This site uses Google Analytics web analysis service. This allows us to analyze how internet users use our site in order to offer them a better browsing experience. For this purpose, Google Analytics uses tracking cookies that track an internet user's journey on the site. These cookies are kept for a duration of 14 months.

We have activated IP address anonymization for this site. This means that IP addresses collected by Google Analytics are systematically shortened to make it impossible to identify internet users. In exceptional cases, the full IP address may be transferred to a Google server located in the United States and is then immediately shortened on it. Google uses the information collected via cookies on behalf of e-declic, for the purpose of analyzing the browsing habits of internet users and providing reports on the site's activity.

Google provides users with a browser plugin that prevents the collection of data related to their navigation on websites using Google Analytics.

This plugin is available at this address: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Social Network Cookies

The Bienvenue en Bretagne site relies on certain services offered by third-party sites. These include:

Subscription buttons (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest)

Videos broadcasted on the site (YouTube)

These features use third-party cookies directly deposited by these services. During your first visit to www.bienvenueenbretagne.bzh, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. They are only deposited if you accept them or if you continue your navigation on the site by visiting a second page of www.bienvenueenbretagne.bzh

Data Retention

Data is retained for three years from the end of the commercial relationship and/or the last contact.

Exercising Your Rights

You have the right to access, rectify, and delete data collected on this site, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation that came into application on May 25, 2018.

To exercise this right, send your request via our contact form or by mail to the following address:

Bienvenue en Bretagne

27 Rue du Danemark

56400 Auray

Data Controller

The data controller of personal data is Mr. Stéphane Gerveau.